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Please note that there is no translation for articles, papers and writings. Some might be english with no french equivalent and vice versa.
Merci de noter qu’il n’y a pas de traduction pour les articles, papiers et écrits. Certains peuvent être en anglais et sans équivalent en français et vice versa.
Dismantle Corporate Power Dictionary
A dictionary compiling a working list of definitions and terminology to equip community activists with language and understanding to challenge extractivism and dismantle corporate power. This dictionary is brought to you by the Alternative Information & Development Centre in partnership with the Southern African Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and the Right to Say No campaign.
The science of climate
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
The Sixth Assessment Report consists of contributions from each of the three IPCC Working Groups and a Synthesis Report (SYR), which integrates the Working Group contributions and the Special Reports produced in the cycle. The report was finalized on 6 August 2021 during the 14th Session of Working Group I and 54th Session of the IPCC.
The planetary boundaries
The planetary boundaries concept presents a set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come
Facing the Anthropocene
I wrote Facing the Anthropocene to help bridge the gap between Earth System science and ecosocialism—to show socialists why they must understand the Anthropocene, and to show Earth System scientists why they must understand ecological Marxism. (Ian Angus)
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Global North ‘climate reparations’ to prevent Southern fossil-fuel conflict Mozambique’s gas curse, Islamic insurgency, imperial-sub imperial capital accumulation and a climate-just alternative to international military intervention
19 August 2021 by Patrick Bond
The Capitalinian: The First Geological Age of the Anthropocene
A Madagascar, le jeune Toavina lutte pour la justice climatique #générationclimat
Marie-Monique Robin : « La biodiversité contribue à protéger notre santé »
Climate jobs at two minutes to midnight.
En eaux troubles / Troubled waters
Version Fr : Comment l’«économie bleue» perpétue les injustices historiques à l’île Maurice.
Eng version : How the blue economy perpetuates historical injustices in Mauritius.
Transnational Institute / Centre for Alternative Research and Studies